Ad Astra, a KU Student Senate coalition, was formed earlier this year. They required extensive branding in their inaugural season, including logo, buttons and banners. My services also included a website.
Regardless, this has been one of the most rewarding projects I've ever been apart of.
The incumbent party, KUnited, had won every year for the past 20 years. They were unstoppable. So when Ad Astra won, not only the presidency but also [roughly] 80 percent of the Senate seats, it was a massive victory. It felt like Marcus was Luke Skywalker. Plus, the election churned out the highest voter turnout KU had ever seen.
Now, Marcus and campaign manager Tyler Childress have locked down and prohibited use of the name Ad Astra and rewritten the elections code to prevent another domineering political party from forming.

These 10'x4' banners were hung everywhere from Greek houses to bars.